Signs Your Control System Has Gotten Way Too Old

 With the onset of the new financial year, may people might be looking to budget needed updates to their systems. One should always keep an eye on the age of their control system as well as how it is operating. Is it efficient? Does it have unexpected errors or cause a loss in productivity? 

Sometimes it can be quite hard to know the right time to budget controls services. Here are some good indicators of your system aging and indicating that it should be given attention before any major errors occur. 

Signs that you may need a new control system:

  • Discontinued technical support

A major indicator telling that your control system may be old and on its way out the door is that it may be hard to find someone to provide technical support. There are a wide variety of technicians with a set of different knowledge and skills regarding different vendors and system. However, if you find it almost impossible to find someone to service your system, you should take that as a sign that your system is or is well on its way to being discarded. 

  • Difficulty finding spare parts

If you happen to notice that finding spare parts has become quite difficult over time, then you may have a system that you need to update. The control system manufacturers only produce parts for as long as they don’t discontinue items. There may be a stock of spare parts available in a warehouse, but after the item has been discontinued and the supply is gone there will be no guarantee that you will find the part that you need in order to repair your system. 

  • Reliability issues

This kind of goes hand in hand with having issues while finding a technician to service your system. If you find it hard to find someone in-house or even from a third-party to provide the necessary support to your system, there is a good chance it could be ageing. Employees or even third parties are rarely given detailed technical training on systems that are almost irrelevant. 


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